FABLE US! YOUR LOGO: (to change your logo image, use the X to remove the current image) TITLE OF YOUR MUSICAL: CREDITS: (i.e. Book by Jane Writer, Music by Joe Piano, Lyrics by Amy Poet): YOUR WEBSITE: (if you or your musical already have a website, include the full web address here, starting with https://) CONTACT EMAIL: (the email a producer should use to contact you about your musical PITCH PARAGRAPH: (a paragraph that gives a summary of your musical - to whet the producers' appetites!) Freed from a lifetime of slavery, Ancient Greece's most famous story-teller searches the world to reunite with his one true love. There once was a half lame slave who spent his entire life tending goats in a meadow by an azure sea. Blind in one eye as well as old, he wasn’t much to look at. But a rich and powerful king had heard the legends of the slave’s many charming stories. Intrigued, the king bought the slave and set him free, promoting him to court advisor. This did not sit well with the ex-slave’s new colleagues, who had invented the philosophy of democracy among their many other political accomplishments. These learned men conspired to embarrass their new associate and drive him from the court. Seizing upon a prophecy by a powerful oracle, they had the poor fellow sent to solve a diplomatic crisis which should have been well beyond his means. But the clever storyteller rose to the occasion. By relating a simple story, he made peace where war had been looming. As his reward, the newly minted ambassador was granted an audience with the very same oracle whose prophecy he had unwittingly undermined. Cloaked in the promise he would soon find the answer in his lifelong quest to be reunited with his true love, the storyteller was betrayed. Charged with committing blasphemy, he was sentenced to death, where, he realized, he would be reunited forever with the woman he loved. Moral: As good as any story might be, it’s always better when it’s set to music. HISTORY/NOTES: (a spot to talk about what level of development you have reached, and/or what you are looking for next) P.K. Silverson and Gary Sironen were introduced to each other at a Dramatists Guild Annual Conference meeting during a writer/composer exchange. Fable Us! is the result of their initial collaboration. At the recommendation of several competitions, the project has also been adapted to a 10-minute musical, Shell Shocked. BIOS: (biographies for the members of your team) ABOUT THE WRITER: P.K. SILVERSON - BOOK AND LYRICS: A prolific author, playwright and screenwriter, Paul recently earned a gold medal in contemporary fantasy for Lazy Fairy, the final volume of his six novel trilogy, The Magic Triangle, as well as Best Dramedy Screenplay in the Marina del Rey Film Festival. A member of The Dramatists Guild and non-WGA writer, he has sold one horror/thriller feature movie script as a ghostwriter and optioned four screenplays. He resides in Los Angeles, California, where his spouse and inspiration, Kathryn, provides him with a loving link to the real world, such as it is. ABOUT THE COMPOSER: GARY SIRONEN - MUSIC: A versatile talent, Gary has written and composed music for two other musicals, composed dozens of worship songs, choral anthems and liturgies and authored several short plays. He’s served as music director on high school and community theater productions. Former Secretary/Treasurer of the Grand Rapids Federation of Musicians, Gary is supported by his lovely wife, Denise, who enables his passions and inspires his creativity. AUDIO DEMO 1: (you can include up to three audio demos but please make sure they are MP3 and NOT .wav or .aiff) Its-All-Greek-to-Us.mp3 AUDIO DEMO 2: Across-the-River-Styx.mp3 AUDIO DEMO 3: Schemin.mp3 VIDEO DEMO: (if you have a video demo/trailer/pitch, include the full LINK here)