Jesus Got a Girlfriend YOUR LOGO: (to change your logo image, use the X to remove the current image) TITLE OF YOUR MUSICAL: CREDITS: (i.e. Book by Jane Writer, Music by Joe Piano, Lyrics by Amy Poet): YOUR WEBSITE: (if you or your musical already have a website, include the full web address here, starting with https://) CONTACT EMAIL: (the email a producer should use to contact you about your musical PITCH PARAGRAPH: (a paragraph that gives a summary of your musical - to whet the producers' appetites!) The title: Jesus Got a Girlfriend. pretty much says it all. HISTORY/NOTES: (a spot to talk about what level of development you have reached, and/or what you are looking for next) Production of play BIOS: (biographies for the members of your team) see website AUDIO DEMO 1: (you can include up to three audio demos but please make sure they are MP3 and NOT .wav or .aiff) AUDIO DEMO 2: AUDIO DEMO 3: VIDEO DEMO: (if you have a video demo/trailer/pitch, include the full LINK here)