The Practice Room YOUR LOGO: (to change your logo image, use the X to remove the current image) TITLE OF YOUR MUSICAL: CREDITS: (i.e. Book by Jane Writer, Music by Joe Piano, Lyrics by Amy Poet): YOUR WEBSITE: (if you or your musical already have a website, include the full web address here, starting with https://) CONTACT EMAIL: (the email a producer should use to contact you about your musical PITCH PARAGRAPH: (a paragraph that gives a summary of your musical - to whet the producers' appetites!) He's an aspiring songwriter, neurotic, immature, and a little weird. She's an aspiring singer, confident, talented, and altogether lovely. They meet one night in a dingy practice room, and, united by their mutual love of Broadway musicals, they decide to team up, only to discover that his insecurities make collaboration impossible. The entire play is set inside the practice room, except for when their fantasies fill the stage with extravagant production numbers. HISTORY/NOTES: (a spot to talk about what level of development you have reached, and/or what you are looking for next) The Practice Room was presented as a staged reading (under a different title) at the Carrboro Arts Center, when the play was strictly a two-person musical. Working from feedback I got from that presentation, I added or replace half a dozen songs, streamlined the plot, and added a chorus for the fantasy numbers. I viewed these as significant improvements. My current concerns are length (as always), and the fact that the male lead is kind of a jerk. But he needs to be a lovable jerk, and I don't know how well the script manages that. I'd love to put it before an audience and get their reaction. BIOS: (biographies for the members of your team) I've lived in Asheville, NC, for the past thirty years, making my living as a pianist and musical director. Previously I lived in Ohio and taught mathematics. I started writing music while still in high school, with a special interest in musical theatre. My previous productions include: CONFETTI, an allegorical, farcical, political satire. It examines issues such as government corruption, wealth inequality, propaganda, and rising fascism through a silly plot revolving around our right to throw confetti. Produced by SART (Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre) June, 1989. APPLES, a musical retelling of the Johnny Appleseed legend. Spanning fifty years, this is less a historically accurate biography and more a meditation on the passing of time and our choices and regrets along the way. Produced by SART, July, 1990 SCOTT AND ZELDA, a serious examination of the toxic romance between novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda. Short synopsis: He was alcoholic, she was schizophrenic, and they blamed each other. Produced by Wings Theatre (now defunct), Manhattan, NY, January, 2000. KANZAN AND JITTOKO, a "Zen" musical about the two "lovable lunatics" of Zen Buddhist legend. The plot shows how their simple lives are turn upside down when one of them inherits a priceless artwork from an old friend. Produced at The Asheville School, a private college prep high school in Asheville, October, 2005. BIRDS OF A FEATHER, a musical adaptation of the classic Greek comedy The Birds by Aristophanes. I was commissioned to write music for the Greek chorus for a college production, which was produced by TheatreUNCA, Asheville, NC. After that production was finished, I decided to turn it into a full-fledged musical. STONEWALL, a work of fiction that imagines what might have gone inside the Stonewall Inn during the hours before the infamous Stonewall Riot on June 27, 1969. The play is intended to paint a picture of gay life in the United States before the changes brought by the gay rights movement. Workshop production with Aaron Grant Theatrical, Manhattan, NY, October, 2017. SEVEN SINGERS SINGING, a musical revue featuring over thirty songs, ranging from ballads and torch songs to comedy numbers and inspirational songs, including solos, duets, trios, and ensemble numbers. With minimal production demands and flexible casting, this show is very easy to produce. Self-produced in Asheville, NC, February 2020. Many of my songs can be heard on my YouTube channel. Look for Dave Bates Music, then click on my blue spirograph logo. AUDIO DEMO 1: (you can include up to three audio demos but please make sure they are MP3 and NOT .wav or .aiff) Magical-Moments.mp3 AUDIO DEMO 2: 18-If-I-Said-I-Love-You.mp3 AUDIO DEMO 3: 21-Why-Am-I-Wasting-My-Time.mp3 VIDEO DEMO: (if you have a video demo/trailer/pitch, include the full LINK here)