Wounded in Action: the journey home YOUR LOGO: (to change your logo image, use the X to remove the current image) TITLE OF YOUR MUSICAL: CREDITS: (i.e. Book by Jane Writer, Music by Joe Piano, Lyrics by Amy Poet): YOUR WEBSITE: (if you or your musical already have a website, include the full web address here, starting with https://) CONTACT EMAIL: (the email a producer should use to contact you about your musical PITCH PARAGRAPH: (a paragraph that gives a summary of your musical - to whet the producers' appetites!) Reeve Cane, a decorated, third tour Marine is the sole survivor of a suicide attack while his unit was on patrol in Afghanistan. Suffering the debilitating effect of PTSD, Reeve has returned stateside only to become mired in the bureaucratic nightmare of the VA. Reeve struggles between returning to war avenging his fallen brothers AND keeping the promise made to his dying friend—the promise to heal his war wounds and find a way live a life full enough for them both. Wounded in action begins in a forward operating base in Afghanistan, takes us state-side to Walter Reed, to the homeless streets of DC, to a Veterans halfway house and finally to the steps of the U.S. Capital. Wounded in Action: the journey home looks to honor the service and sacrifice of each Veteran by bearing witness to the plight of Veterans as they grapple with the demons of war AND to offer the Civilian Community the opportunity to understand their world, the opportunity to become part of their healing—and just maybe become part of their journey home. Musical Numbers for: WOUNDED IN ACTION: the journey home ACT ONE 1. Swear Ensemble 2. Dying to... Troops/Families (ensemble) 3. Going On. Reeve 4. Battle Prayer. Chaps, Dagar, Unit, Muslims (ensemble) 5. Empty Chair. PT Patients and Families 6. No More. Benesh and Reeve 7. Take Away Young Oz and Gene 8. Rehabilitation Cookie and Vets 9. U.S. is Mine! Cane 10. No man left behind. Oz and Gene 11. American Haka. Reeve and Vets 12. Back in the World. Reeve, Preacher, Tang, Cookie and Vets 13. Use a Man. Cane and Reeve 14. Line in the Sand. Preacher Tang Cookie, Reeve and Vets ACT TWO 15. Status Quo Tang and Vets 16. Bullet Proof Preacher and Vets 17. Comes a time. Gene 18. Feel Again. Oz 19. Home. Gene and Oz 20. As you were. Benesh (with Reeve) 21. Use Me Reeve and Cane (with Vets) 22. Wounded in Action. Reeve, Gene, Hana (with Vets) 23. Feel Again/Home (reprise) 24.Heart Beats. Preacher, Tang, Cookie and Vets 25. Stand with Me Reeve and ensemble HISTORY/NOTES: (a spot to talk about what level of development you have reached, and/or what you are looking for next) I was moved to begin this project around 2014 when the VA scandals rocked the headlines. Already over 10 years into war, Veterans were returning and having to wait (in some cases) over a year just to be seen by government run facilities and when they did the resources were abysmal. Now with one Veteran suicide every hour or every day or every month there is an extreme need to provide Veteran’s with the mental health and reintegration resources not yet available. Shortly after beginning the book, I came in contact with “Vets Journey Home” and volunteered to staff. During that weekend retreat I bore witness to Veterans from the Vietnam era through recently returned from Afghanistan and Iraq with invisible scars and wounds derived from their experiences in time of war. All of whom seemed to have a simple desire; ‘to leave war behind and to be accepted back into the society they went to war to preserve. There is a need to start a long overdue dialog between the civilian and veteran communities and I hope to be a part of it. On March 11 2020, the cast was in place to record a nearly complete piano/vocal demo Wounded in Action. On that day I began rehearsing the principals on solo and duet material. It was less than a week later when Covid abruptly and completely shut the city and nation down. And while that portion of the process was suspended, the next 18 months gave me pause to reconsider and reconstruct the show's book. Through a mutual friend I was fortunate enough to meet and begin working with Ken Cerniglia. With Ken's insight and thoughtfulness I transformed the book into a more dynamic and dramatic expression of my vision. Though not officially the dramaturg of the project, Ken has generously consented to remain a part of my team. During Covid, my family and I have moved away from NYC (my stomping grounds for nearly 25 years) and as such I have, as yet, been unable to organize a demo recording of the show. As I have in past demos, I am working with Joe Baker and am optimistic we will succeed in having part of the show recorded. Absent the demo, I have orchestrated and entire show (Covid left me with ample free time) and while the lack of voices leaves the experience wanting more, the orchestrations do provide a sense of where the music can be taken. I am optimistic that we will begin a partial demo in June of 2024 with Joe Baker in NYC. BIOS: (biographies for the members of your team) Kevin Jeffers graduated Northwestern University with a Masters of Music degree in the Voice Performance and Opera. Graduated University of Wisconsin-Madison with a doctorate in Voice Performance. He has performed in over 25 major roles in opera and musical theatre, performed as soloist in numerous orchestral and oratorio concerts, performed over 20 solo recitals around the United States, featured in numerous developmental and premiere works. As well, Kevin has acted as musical and stage director for numerous projects. He began composing vocal music at age 14 and had a number of poems published before the age of 19. Trained in composition while at Heidelberg College and Northwestern University. Was selected as a contributing composer/lyricist to BMI’s two-year Music Theatre workshop. Currently a member of ASCAP and the Dramatists Guild. Composed over 200 art songs (primarily on English language texts), numerous small choral works; a SATB solo a cappella Latin Mass; a large choral work for 12 part divisi SATB chorus, soprano obbligato and baritone solo entitled “OF MUSIC” based on a text by Kahlil Gibran; an orchestrated and partially recorded version of a complete “REQUIEM MASS” for orchestra, SATB chorus, SATB solo quartet, and baritone soloist, are among my other works. Contributed to numerous cabaret performances premiering in New York City and songs as incidental music for known plays. Theatre compositions include: "Life Cycle" for voice and piano (a monodrama; original book, music and lyric); "The Starry Messenger" (based on the life of Galileo: original music, book and lyric), “ "If it happens in the song..."(original book, music and lyric). “ALMOST LOVE; an elegy for a lady” is the musicalization of an Arthur Miller’s one-act play' "An Elegy for a Lady". The intimate and sensual drama revolves around a man's search for the perfect gift to give his dying mistress and his unexpected connection with the woman who guides him in his quest. Two principles with three support roles. Music, book and lyrics by Kevin Jeffers based on Arthur Miller's "An Elegy for a Lady". Permission and rights secured. Demo available. “SPOON RIVER: a musical anthology” is the musicalization of Edgar Lee Masters’ ground-breaking classic by the same name. Set within the backdrop of the looming Civil War, the people of Spoon River Illinois are each given a single moment to share the truth of their life before retiring beneath the Hill. Original version produced Off-Broadway at Gallery Players. Ensemble cast with 16-24 featured roles (requires doubling). Music, book and lyrics by Kevin Jeffers based on Edgar Lee Masters' "Spoon River Anthology". Demo Available. “SALVATION” is the musicalization of four one-act plays from Joe Pintauro’s “Metropolitan Operas” (“Rex, “Rules of Love”, “Bird of Ill Omen (adapted)” and “Birds in Church”. Premiered at Lichtenstein Theatre in Parrish Art Museum Sag Harbor, NY. Seven principle roles. Music, lyrics and book by Kevin Jeffers based on plays and conversations with Joe Pintauro. Video of premiere available. “CAUGHT IN THE NET” in the early days of the internet (before you could google the life history of most humans) one New York man believed he might find his sole mate if he just believed. This is my true story (almost) of that longing and discovery. Two principles and four featured roles. Demo Available. Current project: “WOUNDED IN ACTION: the journey home” . Music, book and lyrics by Kevin Jeffers. Orchestrated tracks available. Demo pending (May/June 2024) To hear samples of the above musicals: GotSong.com AUDIO DEMO 1: (you can include up to three audio demos but please make sure they are MP3 and NOT .wav or .aiff) Swear.mp3 AUDIO DEMO 2: Feel-Again-with-with-vocals.mp3 AUDIO DEMO 3: stand-with-me.mp3 VIDEO DEMO: (if you have a video demo/trailer/pitch, include the full LINK here)