Axel TITLE OF SOURCE: AUTHOR'S NAME - FIRST: LAST: DESCRIPTION: "Heavens!" shrieked Gundchen, "there will be an accident," and Tugendreich suppressed a sigh of anguish. With frightful side-leaps, the black horse furiously galloped towards the bar. At this moment the little daughter of the gardener ran across the course, and frightened at the approaching furious steed, fell just under his fore feet. Terror prevented the spectators from crying out, but Axel saw the child at the critical moment when the hoof was raised over its head, and, thinking of its peril, only reined the leaping horse suddenly in with such force that he fell rearing on his haunches."He will fall back," cried the baron."I cannot look upon it," exclaimed Gundchen, holding her hands before her eyes, and Tugendreich leaned against the recess as white as her veil. COMMENTS: A rambling, uninteresting story of a stable boy who is astonishingly accomplished; he rises in status, ultimately vying for the hand of a baroness. It's implausible and lacks cause-and-effect throughout much of the story. Pass CANDIDATE FOR ADAPTATION?: --- not set --- Not reviewed Promising Unlikely SOURCE MATERIAL: Fable Novella Play Plot summary Short Story -- Parent -- GENRE: Comedy Comic Horror Detective Drama Fable Fairy Tale Fantasy Folklore Folktale Ghost Story Melodrama Mystery Myth Operetta Other Romance Suspense Young Audiences -- Parent -- SETTING: Africa America England Europe Fantasy International New Zealand Pastoral Rural Rustic Science Fiction -- Parent -- LENGTH FOR ADAPTATION: 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 60 Minutes 90 Minutes Two Hours -- Parent -- URL FOR PDF DOCUMENT: Axel.pdf