Deadline: January 31, 2025
Special Interests: Texas



A cash award of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) is presented by the Sons of the Republic of Texas to the author of a work of creative writing on the Republic of Texas judged best by the Judging Committee. This award is presented at the annual membership meeting in the spring (usually first week end of April) of the next calendar year.

The purpose of this award is to encourage literary effort and research about historical events and personalities during the days of the Republic of Texas,1836-1846, and to stimulate interest in this period. The judges determine which entry best portrays the spirit, character, strength, and deeds of those who lived in the Republic of Texas. The award was made possible through the generosity of the late Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield G. Roberts of Dallas. Mr. Roberts was a former Executive Committeeman of the Sons of the Republic of Texas and a Knight of the Order of San Jacinto. A student and lover of Texas history, he had eight ancestors who were all residents of the Republic of Texas.

The manuscripts must be written or published during the calendar year for which the award is given. No entry may be submitted more than one time. There is no word limit on the material submitted for the award. The manuscripts may be fiction, nonfiction, poems, essays, plays, short stories, novels, or biographies. The competition is open to all writers everywhere; they need not reside in Texas nor must the publishers be in Texas. Judges each year are winners of the award in the last three years.

Comments from NMI Staff:

This contest repeats annually.

CONTACT PHONE: 979.245.6644
        Summerfield G. Roberts Award
        Janet Knox
        1717 8th Street
        Bay City, TX 77414
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