
Check out the descriptions of the various different levels of developmental services available through New Musicals Inc.

NOTE: All Full Length Script options also include automatic submission to the Search for New Musicals.

If you don’t see what you are looking for, or have some questions this page doesn’t answer, please feel free to call us at 818-506-8500 or email us at

overview evaluation

An NMI dramaturg will read your script and listen to your demo and respond with a 20-30 minute audio overview evaluation addressing core topics such as: Is the plot clear and trackable? Is the theme clear and compelling? Does your lead have a clearly defined want and strong obstacles? Is the exposition delivered skillfully? Do the lyrics progress the story? Is there a partnership between the lyrics and the music? Does the score have variety and breadth? Is the author’s intent being realized as fully as possible?

$195 for 20-30 minutes of audio feedback.

detailed analysis

The Detailed Analysis consists of a 2-3 hour video feedback session.  It covers the same topics as the audio Overview Evaluation, but at a much more detailed level, often discussing the work page by page, even line-by-line. Focus is on specific songs, themes, characters, subplot, diction, story logic, as well as manuscript presentation, marketability, and recommendations for next steps.

$400 for 2-3 hours of video feedback.

full draft personal consultation

Spend time in person (or by video or telephone conference) with an NMI staff member who has read and made notes on a full draft of your developing musical.  The NMI staff member will spend up to four hours reading your show and making notes, and then arrange for a video conference call or in-person meeting with you for up to two hours.

$595 for prep and up to 2 hours of evaluation either in person, or by video or telephone conference call

first act personal consultation

Spend time in person (or by video conference) with an NMI staff member who has read and made notes on the first (or second) act of your developing musical.  The NMI staff member will spend up to two hours of prep time reading and making notes on your musical; then arrange for an in person or video conference for you for up to one hour.
(Additional hours of in person or video conference time at $80/hour)
(If you are interested in a personal consultation on your full script, please check out the full length script analysis options.)

$240 for prep and 1 hour in person session or conference call (additional hours at $80/hour)

hourly consultations

Outline Advice.
Feedback on plot points, character arcs, themes, target audience; before you begin writing.

Song Spotting.
Discussion, analysis, and brainstorming about song possibilities and their structures. Combining/condensing scenes; decisions about solos v. duets, or ensemble numbers. Structuring lyrics to convey the plot, character decisions, etc. 3 hr. minimum.

Lyric Crafting.
Detailed work, usually concentrating on one lyric. The goal of these sessions will vary, pending your needs, but typically, we’ll examine such elements as: character diction, rhyme, euphony, prosody, metaphor, as well as ensuring that each stanza is conveying exactly what you mean it to, that the jokes are landing, and that the storyline is clear.

Get advice on marketing copy, loglines, query letters, identifying potential producers, packaging, graphics, demos, and how to approach theatres with your musical.

Practical Advice about Producing.
Consultation about budgets, contracts, unions, producers’ checklists, raising money.

FEES: $80 per hour (including prep time).

staff table reading

Three NMI staff members read through the entire script/score, and then provide a detailed feedback session on book, music and lyrics. Authors can present the material, or the staff can cold-read/sing. The read/sing-through will generally take 2-3 hours; followed by a short break; and then up to four hours of feedback.  This can be done in person; or the authors may attend by video conference; or NMI can make a video recording of the session to share with the authors.


the sandbox

Maybe you don’t fit the usual mold.

Perhaps you’re looking for feedback, but don’t want structured classes. Or your dialogue is finished, but your score isn’t finished. Or you want to hear just a section with actors, but don’t need a whole reading right now.

We’ve designed something we call The Sandbox, where you get to play for a full year, determining your own pathway. You tell us your goals, and we’ll help get you there.

In your twelve months of membership in the Sandbox, you’ll have nine 2-hour work sessions with your selected staff member to work on such topics as outlining, song-spotting, presentation of scenes and songs, marketing advice, budgeting, feedback, music preparation, song structure, consultation about demo recordings, etc. – depending on the needs of you and your musical at any given moment in the process. Design your own schedule …choose two from column A, three from column B, etc. — whatever’s best for you and your musical…at your pace.

Use your nine sessions however you like. Online or in-person. $1500 per project (can be paid in $500 installments)

not sure?

We know that the many choices we offer can be overwhelming. So please check out the informational videos in which NMI’s Artistic Director talks about the various options NMI has on offer.

NOTE: Every project is unique, and requirements will differ. NMI staff will guide the musical to the appropriate level of feedback; nine times out of ten, we will steer you towards the least expensive version. We find, for instance, that the majority of musicals benefit most from the Detailed Analysis ($400), and that it’s unnecessary to involve actors or audience until the book is functioning. Give us a call at 818-506-8500, and we’ll be happy to help determine the right option for you.

“The Search evaluation provided not only insights, but also inspirations … and transformed the rewrite process into something exciting and fun!”


“Thanks for the honest evaluation. That’s not easy to come by and the level of detail you provided far exceeded my expectations so I feel I got more than my money’s worth.”


“If anyone is hesitant about the cost of submitting to you guys, be sure to have them talk to me. Your evaluations are worth ten times the fee.”

Just a huge thank you for the feedback and suggestions. Way more detailed and involved than I expected, and extremely constructive. Feeling energized.

David Fischer


We are in receipt of your video and your analysis of the piece. After watching the video and taking notes, we feel as if a nurturing dramaturgical Mary Poppins has visited us with wonderful insightful nourishment.

Ron Yatter


Elise Dewsberry’s rare gift for analyzing plot and character is enormously helpful to writers.  Her story sense is phenomenal.

Stephen Oles
bookwriter, Seattle


I am so impressed with your evaluation. It is far more thorough than I expected, and full of valuable critiques and suggestions.

Tracey Corea


[I have found] the evaluation to be very enlightening; I’d like to add that such a detailed treatment was far beyond my expectations and proved your organization to be totally sincere and definitely concerned with promoting quality and professional musical theatre.

Walter Johnson


Wow! So awesome! This is extremely helpful and – wow! I say it again! So amazing that you would spend your time helping us in this way. Clearly, whoever was assigned to our project had read the script numerous times and took copious notes and we got them all. This has been one of my most personally satisfying interactions with an arts advisory group that I have ever experienced! We cannot thank you enough.

Aaron Kirk Douglas
Planet Eden



Your comments & suggestions were right on and gave us great insight to things in the show that we hadn’t noticed. We have already made many changes to the script & songs as a result of your input. Thank you!

Beverly Bremers and Faith Grant



The Search evaluation provided not only insights, but also inspirations – ANMT transformed the rewrite process into something exciting and fun!

Charles Veley
G & S on Wall Street


You have an eagle eye and a pitch perfect ear and we treasure your insights and suggestions. A big thank you yet again from across the pond. We really wouldn’t be where we are with this show without you.

Chris Burgess & Denise Wright

Thanks again for your honesty and smarts. Your candor, insights and graciousness are much appreciated. It’s the best tutorial I’ve ever had and, like most artists, I generally don’t sit still for tutorials.

Ed Goldman
Composer/Lyricist/Librettist, Friday@5



What you wrote is exactly the kind of fundamental theatrical feedback I was hoping to get for the work. Its always hugely helpful getting feedback revealing where the conceptual blind spots are.

Les Oreck



Thank you for the notes … We’ve made a lot of changes, many of which were based on your direct feedback. It was very good to get an opinion from someone with your expertise.

Mark Knowles
Killer in Drag



I’m extremely pleased and appreciative of your evaluation. It’s the first constructive evaluation I’ve had. Your thoroughness and assistance pretty much blew me away. I am both impressed and enthused.

Michael McNeil


Thank you so much for the evaluation. It was more helpful than I could have imagined. Your words inspired me to work most diligently …You are more valuable than money and gold! I really appreciate your insights and clarity.

Peter Copani


Any musical theatre project in development can benefit greatly from the objective, knowledgeable feedback services provided by the Academy for New Musical Theatre. Their efficient staff provides a supportive viewpoint, rare in the profession.

Ramon Delgado


Thanks for the honest evaluation. That’s not easy to come by and the level of detail you provided far exceeded my expectations so I feel I got more than my money’s worth. 

S.D. Williams


Elise Dewsberry has been the most influential, helpful, encouraging but brutally honest mentor in my six year attempt to write the book and many of the lyrics of a Broadway-style musical. I recommend Elise without reservation. Entering the Search was the beginning of a year-long association with ANMT, and I will continue to seek Elise’s help and very happily pay for it.

Sandy Wolf