Helena’s Husband

by Philip Moeller

Genre: Drama
Setting: Fantasy
Format of Original Source: Play
Recommended Adaptation Length:

Candidate for Adaptation? Not Likely


[The shouts in the courtyard grow louder.]

ANALYTIKOS. The news has spread through the palace.

MENELAUS [in trepidation, springing up]. No one would dare stop the progress of the Queen.

TSUMU [rushes in and prostrates herself before the King]. Woe is me! They have gone by the road to the harbor.

MENELAUS [anxiously]. Yes! Yes!

TSUMU. By the King’s orders no man has dared gaze upon Her Majesty. They all fell prostrate before her.

MENELAUS. Good! Good! [Attempting to cover his delight.] Go! Go! You garrulous dog.

[Tsumu gets up and points to shield. Analytikos and the King look toward it. Analytikos tears off the papyrus and brings it to Menelaus. Tsumu, watching them, exits.]

MENELAUS [reading]. “I am not a bad woman. I did what I had to do.” How Greek to blame fate for what one wants to do.

[Tsumu again comes tumbling in.]

TSUMU [again prostrate before the King]. A rumor flies through the city. He–he–

ANALYTIKOS [anxiously]. Well? Well?

TSUMU. He–he–

MENELAUS [furiously to Analytikos]. Rid me of this croaking raven.

TSUMU. Evil has fallen on Sparta. He–


MENELAUS [in a rage]. Out of my sight, perfidious Nubian.


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