Master Willie

by Lucy Clifford

Genre: Fairy Tale
Setting: Fantasy
Format of Original Source: Short Story
Recommended Adaptation Length: 45 Minutes

Candidate for Adaptation? Promising


He had had a dear little sister, called Apple-blossom, but a strange thing had happened to her. One day she over-wound her very big doll that talked and walked, and the consequence was quite terrible. No sooner was the winding-up key out of the doll’s side than it blinked its eyes, talked very fast, made faces, took Apple-blossom by the hand, saying, “I am not your doll any longer, but you are my little girl,” and led her right away no one could tell whither, and no one was able to follow. The tall aunt and Willie only knew that she had gone to be the doll’s little girl in some strange place, where dolls were stronger and more important than human beings.


A creepy story about revengeful dolls. We find the ending unsatisfactory, but you could write a new ending, or leave the story just after the brother gets into trouble. Although the original is written in very precious old-fashioned language, it could conceivably update (steam punk or even more contemporary). Well worth a look.


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