Mr. Eberdeen’s House

by Arthur Johnson

Genre: Ghost Story, Suspense
Setting: America
Format of Original Source: Short Story
Recommended Adaptation Length: 90 Minutes

Candidate for Adaptation? Not Reviewed


Out in the hall he paused a moment at the foot of the wide lower staircase. The ticking of a good many clocks came to him from different parts of the house; they seemed to focus their monotonous activity especially on his hearing. Extraordinary recollections swept him. He remembered having heard an old nurse, Sarah Teale, describe how her aunt once rushed out the back door right in the midst of frying doughnuts, and was instantly stricken with paralysis on account of it. There was a low groaning; a moan floated to him from somewhere above. Bravely he forced himself to climb the stairs toward it. He turned the knob. The door stuck. He shook it again, and it yielded.


This story is rich in atmosphere…a creepy house…some disturbing events in the past. But like many a mystery story, most of the interesting stuff happens in the past, so you’ll need to invent some plot or consequences happening in the present tense. This story might not support an intermission…its biggest draw is its suspense and looming sense of dread.


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