The Baby Carriage

by Bosworth Crocker

Genre: Drama
Format of Original Source: Play
Recommended Adaptation Length:

Candidate for Adaptation? Not Reviewed


MRS. LEZINSKY. Solly–Solly–I tell you–the baby-carriage–

LEZINSKY. Out of my sight, woman; I forbid you to come into this shop again.

MRS. LEZINSKY. O, Solly leben, that couldn’t be–

LEZINSKY. The mother of my children–she sins–for a baby-carriage.

MRS. LEZINSKY. Listen, Solly–I didn’t mean to keep that money. As there’s a God of Israel I didn’t mean to keep it. I should use it–just this afternoon–to buy the baby-carriage–and when the customers pay us–put the money back before he misses it.

LEZINSKY. Meshugge! So much money isn’t coming to us. And why should you use Mr. Rosenbloom’s money? Why shouldn’t you take it from the money you had?

MRS. LEZINSKY. How could I use that money? Don’t you pay the rent this afternoon to the agent? And they shut off the gas when we don’t settle: by five o’clock they shut it off. And Mrs. Rooney moves away–[Breaks into sobbing.] and so–I thought I lose the baby-carriage.

LEZINSKY. Gietel–Gietel–you are a—-. I can’t speak the word, Gietel–It sticks in my throat.

MRS. LEZINSKY. No, no, Solly, you shouldn’t speak that word.


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