The End of the Path

by Newbold Noyes

Genre: Romance
Format of Original Source: Short Story
Recommended Adaptation Length:

Candidate for Adaptation? Not Likely


“The girl came here. All night she knelt on the rough stone floor, praying and–weeping; for she loved him. And the Virgin above the four candles looked down with the great, wistful eyes you see–and bound the girl’s soul faster and faster to her own.

“And when morning came she entered the white walls across the lake without seeing her lover again.

“Giovanni went mad, I think, when they told him. He screamed out his hate for the world and his God, and rushed up the little white path to where we are sitting now, Signor.

“Once here, he drew the dagger you see beneath the Virgin and stabbed with an oath on his lips. That is why I did not let you touch it.”

Blagden nodded, and the old monk was silent for a moment before he went on.

“Giovanni disappeared for two days. When he came back his face was that of a madman still. He was met by a white funeral winding up the little path. You understand, Signor,–a virgin’s funeral.


Only 3 pages long, with about a page set-up about a painting (the subject of the story which follows). About the church and a woman who dies a virgin.  Too bad; we would have liked it to have been promising, because of the author’s wonderful name:  Newbold Noyes.


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